Its very different than deep sonic and not as effective For deep tissue, because its cordless and with ay long handle oy like it, some online shops sell it for twice the price, the downside is oy require ay replacement power supply which oy damaged and using the code scanner card which came with the product in order to contact the Oliver J factory but no joy, the original power supply unit has ay little LED which changes colour when the massager battery is fully charged,, if Einstein had put that little LED on the handle of the massager itself but we wont go there, oy havent found adverts saying official replacement power supply for Oliver J long handled blah blah black sheep and the ones that do flag dont say much nor show picture detail and cost so high that they neer the original cost of the total massager and u realize it only cost them ay 2dollar bill to produce,, sure in my box of spares oym sure to have ay power supply that will be suitable but will it have ay little LED light telling me when its charged NO it W O N T